Joshua Hart Consulting

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What Employees Really Want Over The Holidays

With the holiday season just about ready to kick into high gear, a lot of workers will likely be dealing with office holiday parties, gift swaps and more, but do they really enjoy taking part in all these activities?

Well, according to a new survey, all these holiday activities aren’t exactly what most workers love about the holiday season. In fact, for 70% of workers the thing they love most about the holidays is “time off,” followed by getting a bonus (34%). Such holiday events ranked much lower on the list with only 11% looking forward to cookie swaps and 9% excited by gift exchanges.

One thing people do love is that holiday feeling that floats through the office during the season. The survey finds that 54% of people say the “holiday spirit in the workplace” is one of their favorite things about this time of year, while 41% like that they have “happier/more generous co-workers.”

And then there’s the holiday party. While 33% of people say they look forward to the office holiday party, it sounds like a lot of people would be more than happy to do without it. The truth is, 90% of people would gladly give up the party to get a bonus ore more vacation, while 62% of employees look at the holiday party as an obligation.