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Transforming Low Performers with the CARES Framework

Managing low performers can be challenging, but with the CARES framework, you can provide structured support to help them improve. By following these steps — Communicate, Accountability, Roadmap, Execution, and Support — you can turn performance issues into growth opportunities, fostering a more motivated and skilled team.

As a manager, one of the most challenging tasks is motivating and developing low-performing team members. It’s crucial to recognize their potential and the value they can bring with the right support. To aid managers in this effort, I introduce the CARES framework — a five-step process designed to transform low performers into key contributors.

CARES Framework

The CARES framework stands for Communicate, Accountability, Roadmap, Execution, and Support. It’s not just another HR performance improvement program, but a managerial tool to enhance team performance without the threat of job loss.

Step 1: Communicate

Effective communication is the foundation of improving performance. Address performance issues early and clearly rather than waiting for annual reviews.

Document Performance Issues: Gather evidence of multiple instances over at least six months. Document expected vs. actual results and how they relate to performance issues.

Engage in Dialogue: Listen to the team member’s perspective. Have a two-way conversation.

Summarize and Share: Send a summary email or document outlining issues, agreements, and next steps.

Example Communication: “Hi [Team Member], I wanted to discuss your recent performance. Over the past few months, there have been several instances where your work hasn’t met expectations, such as [specific examples]. I’d like to understand your perspective on these issues and work together on a plan to improve.”

Step 2: Accountability

Once performance issues are acknowledged, establish clear accountabilities.

Define Responsibilities: Outline specific tasks, such as requirement clarification, timely task completion, and regular updates.

Agree on Accountability: Ensure the team member understands and agrees to these responsibilities.

Document Accountability: Share a written record of the agreed-upon responsibilities.

Example Accountability Discussion: “Let’s clarify your responsibilities. You’ll need to provide requirement clarifications before starting any coding, ensure timely completion of tasks, and regularly update me on any dependencies or issues. Do you agree with these expectations?”

Step 3: Roadmap

Create a detailed roadmap to guide the team member’s improvement journey.

Detail Tasks and Milestones: Break down tasks into manageable steps with clear milestones.

Set a Timeline: The roadmap should span at least three months to allow for meaningful progress.

Consider Role Adjustments: Discuss potential role changes within the organization for a better fit if needed.

Example Roadmap Discussion: “To help you improve, we’ll create a roadmap with specific tasks and milestones. For the next three months, your milestones will include completing project documentation and attending relevant training sessions. We’ll review your progress regularly to ensure you’re on track.”

Step 4: Execution

With the roadmap in place, the next step is execution.

Track Progress: Monitor the completion of tasks and milestones.

Evaluate Regularly: Conduct evaluations at each milestone based on predefined criteria.

Adjust as Needed: Make necessary adjustments based on progress and feedback.

Example Execution Support: “Now that we have our roadmap, let’s start working on these tasks. We’ll review each milestone together to ensure you’re progressing as expected. If you encounter any issues, let me know immediately so we can address them.”

Step 5: Support

Provide ongoing support throughout the execution phase.

Offer Regular Feedback: Give constructive feedback and course-correct as necessary.

Provide Training: Arrange small training sessions if needed.

Maintain Open Communication: Conduct regular one-on-ones to discuss progress and challenges.

Example Support Discussion: “I’ll be here to support you every step of the way. We’ll have regular check-ins to discuss your progress and any challenges you might face. Remember, this is a collaborative effort, and your improvement is my priority.”

Understanding Situational Leadership

As a new manager, it’s essential to realize that each team member has different skill levels and varying degrees of motivation. The situational leadership framework allows managers to adapt their approach accordingly. Typically, the framework uses skill and motivation as key dimensions:

High Skill, High Motivation: These team members need minimal guidance and should be given challenging tasks.

High Skill, Low Motivation: These individuals may need more encouragement and incentives.

Low Skill, High Motivation: Provide training and development opportunities.

Low Skill, Low Motivation: Require the most support, with clear instructions and consistent motivation.

By understanding and applying these dimensions, you can tailor your management style to each team member’s needs, fostering a more productive and harmonious team environment.

Managing low performers can be challenging, but with the CARES framework, you can provide structured support to help them improve. By following these steps — Communicate, Accountability, Roadmap, Execution, and Support — you can turn performance issues into growth opportunities, fostering a more motivated and skilled team.

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strategic communication joshua hart strategic communication joshua hart

Social Media Strategy

The evolution of communication in an era dominated by the internet has revolutionised the traditional methods of corporate communication. Today, social media strategy stands tall as a premier component of strategic communication that effectively helps in sending critical messages to the target audience. Here's how to understand the significance of this trend and how to leverage it for maximum outcomes.

The New Age Communication Channel

The evolution of communication in an era dominated by the internet has revolutionised the traditional methods of corporate communication. Today, social media strategy stands tall as a premier component of strategic communication that effectively helps in sending critical messages to the target audience. Here's how to understand the significance of this trend and how to leverage it for maximum outcomes.

According to a report by Statista, as of 2021, an estimated 3.6 billion people were using social media worldwide Statista. This clearly highlights the role of social media as a powerful tool that enables businesses to tap into a vast audience base thereby creating a stronghold for marketing communication strategy.

  • Reaching a Wider Audience: Perhaps the most significant advantage of a social media strategy is its ability to reach millions of people simultaneously. With strategic messaging on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram, businesses can create engaging content and reach out to potential consumers across the globe.

  • Brand Awareness: Leveraging social media helps to enhance brand visibility and allows businesses to showcase their products and services to a wider audience, making it an integral part of a brand communication strategy.

  • Customer Engagement: By creating engaging content on various platforms, businesses have the potential to evoke responses from their target audience thereby establishing a two-way communication channel leading to the success of a global communication strategy.

  • Measure Success: Social media platforms offer comprehensive analysis tools that aid in tracking the success of every post and campaign helping in refining the digital communication strategy.

Renowned author and social media marketer, Jeff Bullas said, "Social media is a wonderful and valuable tool for marketing. It's like a non-stop, 24/7 global networking event, where you can build relationships and grow your audience."Jeff Bullas.

In conclusion, with the advancement in technology, social media has emerged as a powerful tool in strategic communication offering unique advantages. Understanding and leveraging its full potential to communicate, connect, and convert can vastly accelerate the achievement of business objectives. Therefore, organizations must emphasize on the importance of social media in their communication strategy development to stay ahead in this fast-paced digital world.


1. Statista. (2022). Number of social media users worldwide from 2017 to 2025 (in billions). Retrieved from

2. Bullas, J. (2020). The power of social media marketing in business. Retrieved from

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Employee Relations joshua hart Employee Relations joshua hart

Enhancing HR Management and Boosting Employee Engagement

In a modern work environment, the significance of staff relations is vital. It's more than communication. It impacts the success of a company by directly influencing employee motivation and satisfaction. Developing positive staff relations not only ensures employee loyalty but also drives your company toward productivity and efficiency.

Mastering Employee Relations

In any organization, fostering excellent employee relations is fundamental to maintaining a motivated, satisfied, and productive workforce. By understanding the ins and outs of human resource management, labor compliance, internal communication policies, and conflict resolution, companies can create a better employer-employee relationship, leading to a healthier work environment. This article will delve into several aspects of employee relations, offering insights on boosting personnel satisfaction, staff engagement, and overall workplace productivity.

The Importance of Effective Human Resources Management

The importance of effective Human Resources Management (HRM) is hard to overstate. It's a critical component of creating and maintaining employee relations, which are at the heart of any successful company. With well-structured HRM, workplace communication improves, which drives employee satisfaction and boosts motivation. • HR policies: An in-depth study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that organizations with comprehensive human resources policies had a 58% higher chance of high business performance. This included better profit growth and market share than its counterparts. • Employee engagement: According to the Gallup State of the American Workplace report, businesses scoring highest on employee engagement doubled their odds of success compared with those in the bottom half. • Labor relations: Organisations with strong management drive better relationships with their labor force. For instance, a study by IBM Institute for Business Value explains that this leads to a 20% cut in labor disputes and other potential conflicts in the workplace. • Employee rights: Protection of labor rights leads to better industrial relations. The International Labour Organization findings show that companies that respect and promote labor rights and compliance tend to have a 33% reduction in staff turnover. "Effective human capital management and spending time developing workplace communication strategies, is not only essential for building a strong team and culture, but it's the cornerstone of any successful company," says Brené Brown, a noted HR and management expert. In conclusion, effective Human Resources Management has a significant impact on every facet of a business, including the employer-employee relationship, conflict resolution, employee experience, and personnel management. This, in turn, boosts a business's success metrics, significantly contributing to its growth and longevity.

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joshua hart joshua hart

What is a Toxic Workplace? Understanding and Addressing Workplace Negativity

Explore the signs, impacts, and strategies for dealing with toxic workplaces, and learn how to foster a positive workplace culture.

A toxic workplace is more than just an unpleasant work environment. It can lead to serious consequences for employees and organizations alike. A toxic workplace is characterized by a negative culture that can manifest in various forms, from unhealthy competition and favoritism to fear-based leadership and poor communication​​.

Signs of a Toxic Workplace

Recognizing a toxic workplace is the first step towards improvement. Common signs include:

  • Increased Absenteeism and High Turnover: Employees often avoid toxic environments, leading to frequent absences and a high rate of staff turnover​​.

  • Decreased Productivity: Negative work environments can significantly hamper employee productivity and morale.

  • Impaired Retention and Cooperation: Toxic behavior by managers or colleagues can damage team dynamics and cooperation​​.

Impact on Employees and Organizations

The effects of a toxic workplace are far-reaching:

  • Physical and Mental Health: Employees in toxic workplaces may experience stress, anxiety, and even depression​​.

  • Workplace Trauma: For some, the work environment can become demoralizing, frightening, and traumatic​​.

  • Employee Engagement: Toxic environments negatively impact employee engagement, contributing to burnout and reduced job satisfaction​​.

Strategies for Dealing with Toxic Workplaces

Addressing a toxic workplace requires a proactive approach:

  • Identify and Acknowledge the Issues: Recognize the signs of toxicity and understand their impact.

  • Foster Open Communication: Encourage employees to share their concerns without fear of retaliation.

  • Implement Fair Policies: Ensure that company policies promote fairness and inclusivity.

  • Leadership Training: Train managers to recognize and address toxic behaviors effectively.

Creating a Positive Workplace Culture

Transforming a toxic workplace into a positive one is a gradual process that involves:

  • Building Trust and Respect: Create an environment where every employee feels valued and heard.

  • Promoting Healthy Competition: Encourage teamwork and collaboration over unhealthy competition.

  • Supporting Employee Well-being: Focus on the mental and physical well-being of employees.

A toxic workplace can have detrimental effects on both employees and the organization. By recognizing the signs and taking steps to address them, companies can foster a healthier, more productive work environment. Remember, the goal is not just to fix the negative but to cultivate a positive and supportive workplace culture.

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